The Division of Legislative Audit conducts performance reviews that are mandated by AS 44.66.020-44.66.040, enacted by the Alaska State Legislature in 2013 as part of House Bill 30. Performance reviews are systematic assessments of the appropriateness, effectiveness, and efficiency of a department, agency, or program and are meant to provide information that can improve the entity’s performance. Performance reviews have not been funded since FY 16. Purpose of ReviewsPerformance review statutes provide a list of areas the review team may review, but each performance review has a unique scope that is developed by the Division of Legislative Audit with input and final approval from the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee. For more information on the scope of each review, please click on the links below for the completed reviews. Performance Review TeamsEach performance review is led by (an) outside contractor(s) and may include Division of Legislative Audit staff. Contractors are selected based on their knowledge of the performance review process and their experience with the issues covered by the agency under review. Completed Performance ReviewsPerformance review results are presented in a comprehensive report prepared by the review team. Performance review reports are presented to the legislature to assist in the decision-making process as legislators evaluate the agency’s programs and corresponding budget. Performance review reports are confidential until released as a public report by the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee. Please click on the links below for more information about completed performance reviews. Department of Health and Social Services |
Schedule of ReviewsPerformance review statutes provide a review schedule as shown in the table below. Each agency is to be reviewed once every ten years.